Friday, January 4, 2008


In the interests of starting a new year correctly, I'm moving from my test-bed blog over on livejournal to a full blown Blogspot blog. Whee!

This is going to be the place where I end up posting jewelry- those projects that are in progress, those projects that I'm selling, and those that are long gone. Think of it as a net-based portfolio, if you will.

I'm a Minneapolis-based jewelry maker, and I design every piece that I make. I started back making jewelry about this time last year, trying to remember what I had done many years ago. The wonderful Elise Matthesen inspired me to find where I had put that small bead bag that slowly had been collecting pieces, and to see what I could manage to create this time. A couple friends asked me to make something with this bead or in those colors...and I was off. It has morphed in this last year from something that I do and get materials costs for to something that is an actual business.

I recently finished my first gallery show, so over the next few weeks my goal is to rebuild my stock and chronicle that process here. If you see anything you like, let me know- I often have some of those beads left over and can make something simliar.

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